Adapting to Queensland's Minimum Housing Standards


Control Pest Management Brisbane: Adapting to Queensland's Minimum Housing Standards

Control Pest Management Brisbane is prepared to help property managers, owner-managed properties, and real estate professionals in Brisbane and South East Queensland adapt to the new Minimum Housing Standards. These standards, which aim to ensure rental properties are safe, secure, and functional, will come into effect for new tenancies on 1 September 2023 and for all tenancies 1 September 2024.

In this article, we will discuss the Minimum Housing Standards in detail, their implications for property managers and tenants, and how Control Pest Management Brisbane can help you comply with these new regulations using state-of-the-art inspection tools like thermal cameras.

Understanding the Minimum Housing Standards

The new Minimum Housing Standards in Queensland cover various aspects of rental properties, ensuring they are safe, secure, and functional for tenants. The key requirements include:

Structural Integrity and Weatherproofing

Rental properties must be weatherproof and structurally sound, ensuring they are safe for occupants in all weather conditions.

Repair and Safety

All fixtures, fittings, and electrical appliances in the property must be in good repair and not be likely to cause injury through normal use.


Functioning locks or latches must be installed on all external doors and windows that can be reached without a ladder, ensuring the security of the tenants.

Vermin, Damp, and Mould Control

Rental properties must be free from vermin, damp, and mould. However, this does not include cases where the tenant has caused these conditions.


Privacy coverings, such as curtains or blinds, must be provided in rooms where privacy is expected, such as bedrooms.

Plumbing and Drainage

Adequate plumbing and drainage must be in place, and the property must be connected to hot and cold water suitable for drinking.

Bathroom and Kitchen Facilities

Rental properties must provide privacy in bathroom areas and have flushable toilets connected to a sewer, septic tank, or other waste disposal system. If a kitchen is provided, it must have a functioning cooktop.

Laundry Facilities

If laundry facilities are provided, the property should include necessary fixtures and adequate plumbing.

How Control Pest Management Brisbane Can Help

Control Pest Management Brisbane offers comprehensive inspection and reporting services, including the use of thermal imaging cameras, to help property managers and owners comply with the new Minimum Housing Standards. Our services cover:

Mould, Vermin, and Water Leaks Inspection

We can inspect and report on mould, vermin, and water leaks in rental properties, ensuring compliance with the new regulations.

Bathroom and Kitchen Facilities Inspection

Our team can assess the functionality and privacy of bathroom and kitchen facilities, ensuring they meet the Minimum Housing Standards requirements.

Thermal Camera Inspections

Our state-of-the-art thermal imaging cameras can help identify potential issues, such as water leaks, that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Comprehensive Reporting

Control Pest Management Brisbane provides comprehensive reports that help property managers and owners ensure their rental properties comply with the new regulations.

Tenant's Rights and Responsibilities

Tenants have the right to live in a safe, secure, and functional rental property that meets the Minimum Housing Standards. However, they also have responsibilities, such as notifying property managers of any issues related to mould, damp, or vermin promptly. If the issue is due to structural problems with the property, the property manager or owner must resolve it. If the issue is caused by the tenant's actions, it falls on the tenant to rectify.

Real Estate and Residential Tenancy Authority Compliance

Real estate professionals and property managers must ensure their rental properties comply with the new Minimum Housing Standards to avoid potential penalties and maintain a high standard of living for tenants. Control Pest Management Brisbane can help you achieve compliance and provide the necessary documentation for the Residential Tenancy Authority.

Contact Control Pest Management Brisbane Today

For professional termite control and inspection services that comply with Queensland's Minimum Housing Standards, contact Control Pest Management Brisbane today at (07) 5241 1063 or via email at You can also visit our website at or drop by our location at

With the new Minimum Housing Standards set to take effect from 1 September 2023, it's crucial to ensure your rental properties are compliant. Control Pest Management Brisbane, led by Raymond McConville, is your go-to pest control service for commercial, residential, and property managers in Brisbane and South East Queensland. Let us help you achieve compliance and maintain high-quality living standards for your tenants.


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